Data Structures

Table of contents Table of contents
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CBotaBulkMissingConfirmationStructure defining the BULK_MISSING.confirmation packet
 CBotaBulkMissingRequestStructure defining the BULK_MISSING.request packet
 CBotaBulkWriteRequestStructure defining the BULK_WRITE.request packet
 CBotaRecipientMissingChunkStructure describing a missing chunk of data
 CBotaRecipientTransferStructure describing a single BOTA transfer at the recipient side
 CBotaRecipientTransferStatusStructure describing the status of the transfer
 CBotaSenderStructure describing BOTA Sender instance
 CBotaSenderMissingChunkStructure describing a data chunk that was reported missing by at least one recipient
 CBotaSenderTransferPolicyStructure describing transfer policy
 CBotaSenderTransferStatusStructure describing the status of the transfer
 CBotaTransferStructure describing a single BOTA transfer
 CBotaTransferConfirmationStructure defining the TRANSFER.confirmation packet
 CBotaTransferRecipientStructure describing the status of the recipient
 CBotaTransferRequestStructure defining the TRANSFER.request packet
 CBotaValidateConfirmationStructure defining the VALIDATE.confirmation packet
 CBotaValidateRequestStructure defining the VALIDATE.request packet

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